Welcome to Smart Living

Maximise your life, minimise your footprint

Smart Energy

Local Energy for Local People

A group of local volunteers are helping Backwell & Cleeve in North Somerset save money and reduce carbon by installing 100kW of community energy on various community buildings, including West Leigh Infant School, Backwell Village Hall, Backwell Club and the Playing Fields. 

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Smart Living is:

  1. Taking responsibility for your place in the global ecosystem
  2. Making small changes that add up to a big impact (food, local travel)
  3. Tackling the tougher challenges (energy, money, consumerism, holidays) either personally or as part of a campaign
  4. Helping others to do the same as part of your community

Start your journey to net-zero here...

Recognising & rewarding those demonstrating local leadership in smart living. 

Congratulations to the winners and thank you to all that came along to the awards event at the Winter Gardens in Weston. 

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